Team wildheart

Meet our team of wild beings. Stay wild.


Neil Finemore

DC Bsc RCC / Chiropractor
Member of United Chiropractic Association

I have a passion for Chiropractic and helping people to live life to their fullest.

I have been a Chiropractor in the Exeter area for over 15 years, and have been honoured to see many individuals and families transform their health, and reconnect to their true potential through Chiropractic care.

I believe that your ability to heal is better than you have been led to believe and that the only one that can heal you, is you. Chiropractic helps to remove any interference the has build up against your natural healing and natural being. I hold a vision for you at your optimum, at your natural potential. And together we can walk the journey to better health and vitality.

The philosophy of Chiropractic extends outside of my practice life, where I enjoy connecting back to nature, and understanding how there is a Universal energy that governs all things, including how we heal and connect to who we are.

I love to go wild camping, surfing or taking my dog Sniffy for an adventure into the wilderness of Dartmoor. 

Wildheart Chiropractic Exeter

Melody Mussell

Chiropractic Assistant

After inviting change and new opportunities to enter my life I heard about the possibility of joining Wildheart and in September 2018 became the chiropractic assistant here.

Facilitating self directed learning, respecting the process of the individual and clear communication has always been my drive.

I love seeing people connect to their own innate creative being and I know that when we are fully absorbed in the moment of action, whatever the creative expression, we can forget the immediate restrictions of our thought patterns and become a human being rather than a human doing. 

Finding expression through action allows us space to release old habitual, often restrictive thought patterns and helps make room for new and more positive thought patterns to develop.

The core philosophy of chiropractic work, I feel, fits beautifully with this, identifying patterns, releasing them and finding time to develop new choices to develop our physical and mental health.

We are all truly unique and remarkable, full of potential and possibilities and I look forward to meeting you.