"Chiropractic simply releases life forces within the body, sets free rivulets of energy over nerves, and lets nature do her work in normal manner"  

BJ Palmer (founder of Chiropractic)

do we need it?

do we do it?

is it?

The nervous system, your master control system

Why we do what we do...

Chiropractors recognise that you are self developing, self maintaining and self healing.

You work better without interference to the systems that facilitate development, maintenance and healing. The main causes of interference are physical trauma, environmental toxins and emotional stress. It is the Chiropractor’s intention to address these interferences and allow you to express your innate potential.

Your nervous system is your master control system. It is the beginning and end point of everything you perceive, do, feel and think. It delivers every bit of information you need from the sensors in your body up to your brain and then returns the appropriate instructions to your body again. This constant communication network is the feedback loop of life itself. Chiropractors are dedicated to removing any interference to that vital feedback.  

Your nervous system is protected by your spine which should be mobile to allow free passage for the main nerve trunks that pass from your spinal cord between each vertebrae to the rest of your body. 

You stress your spine on a daily basis, which over time can lead to specific areas of dysfunction in your spinal joints and muscles (Chiropractors call these areas Subluxations). This lack of normal function can lead to confused or unclear information feedback from this area to your brain. The messages that return to the joints from the brain are then not as accurate as they could be which means that you may not function or perform as well as you should. For an athlete this can mean a definite drop in performance or an increased likelihood of injury. For the rest of us it means the same thing but we may not notice the deficit as quickly. The first sign we may become aware of is pain or an unexpected injury.

Chiropractors believe that if you restore the natural function of the spine your nervous system will work with less interference and you can heal and perform in the best possible way. You will then be closer to the best you can be. 


How we do what we do…

Chiropractors use our hands to stimulate natural movement in areas of the spine that are not functioning as they should.

We call these impulses ‘adjustments’ as they adjust the way that the brain and body communicate in response.

With an adjustment we hope to progressively restore normal communication and function in the affected area. This can lead to less injury, better performance and less discomfort if you have already have pain. An adjustment is a bit like pressing the ‘reset button’ in a specific joint or area of your body.


What is it that we do...

A Chiropractor will assess your posture, muscle power, balance and movement.

We focus on the ability of your brain and body to communicate clearly with each other, which depends largely on your nervous system function. We use various neurological, orthopaedic and Chiropractic tests as well as our hands to feel for any areas that may not be moving or functioning as well as they could.