Connection and Collaboration

As I sit here trying to write this weeks newsletter while drinking my peppermint and nettle tea, I noticed that I'm a leave the bag in kind of guy, I like the tea to brew and get stronger over time. If I was to take it out, the tea would be weaker and the bag would go straight into the bin. 

In life and health, I believe in a world or body of connection and interaction and not one of isolation and disjunction. Just like the cells in our body we are all truly connected to each other, our world and the cosmos as a whole. I believe success in life is built connection and collaboration. Within our bodies it is the job of the nervous system to interconnect every part or cells within our body, to stand for unity and connection to the whole.

Throughout our life we encounter many stressful situations and if we can't adapt or deal with it, we can get subluxated, interference to our nervous system, breaking down that ultimate state of connection and wholeness. This is why we all need regular checks so we can be in that state of connection to ourselves and the cosmos. 

This being said I have made it easier to make booking appointments, I have put a booking page on my website, I couldn't be simpler, it will offer three appointment options each day. So here's a link:

Something from Deb's

I often get asked ‘what are some of the more simple ways to make a change in our lives?’ 

Sometimes it can be something easy as sitting still for a minute and taking five deep breaths. Or it could be going out for a 5 minute walk or even swapping a glass of wine for a glass of water. Those things may sound insignificant but it’s often the little things that help us begin to make great change. 

I will confess, I don’t always find making changes easy either but knowing those little things can move us towards greater health and wellbeing is a terrific motivator. ❤ So why don’t you give something a try and let me know how it has helped you? I would be delighted to hear from you. 

FYI. For the remainder of this month I am going to write a few articles on heart health. It will include information on cholesterol, stations, healthy fats and a few other things. Watch this space. 

If you have questions for me, contact me on or ring me directly on my mobile on 07747755659. 

Here’s wishing you a fabulous month ahead. 

Deb x

Neil Finemore