Facing your Fears and Building a strong Tribe

This week I want to talk about growth and the potential within all of us. To grow and evolve we must have challenge. Challenge can come in many forms, from a health challenge, to trying something new and challenging or even a change in perspective.

We are away next week, at our annual conference in Spain in which I shall be presenting.

It can be nerve wracking to stand in front of 800 colleagues and talk but that anxiety is just the fear of not meeting expectations (self limiting expectations). It is just energy that I will use positively on the day. There is no growth without commitment and what is life without growth? The present is potential. 

Where in your life is there growth, and where are you stuck? Stuck in some pattern in life, whether its an emotional pattern or a stuck behaviour. And is this limiting your growth in some way. 

Keep moving, keep growing, keep challenging yourself.

You have a huge potential!

I'm so excited to be with my Chiropractic Tribe 800 strong Chiropractors and Chiropractic Assistants, uplifting each other in our own personal growth and in the growth of the profession and humanity. Without my tribe it would be harder for me to stand strong in my own growth and in my profession.

-The Strength of the Pack is in the Wolf, and the Strength of the Wolf is in the Pack-

This is what I'm trying to do with all the changes I'm making at Wild Heart Headquarters.To develop a community or tribe so we can all support each other in living a vitalistic life. This why im so excited to be welcoming Joe and Jess to the family, so our wolf pack can be strong together. 

So could I ask you all for support in this new growth, as the team gets bigger we also need to grow our tribe, so could I ask you to please review Wild Heart either on google or http://facebook/wildheartchiropractic

Many Thanks and much Love

Something from Debs

Heart Healthy, Healthy Fat Recipe 

I had planned to talk about fats facts this week but I have had the lurgy so decided I would share a lovely heart healthy recipe with you instead. 

It is a simple dish slightly modified from “The Functional Nutrition Cookbook”. You can easily have this on its own or with new or sweet potatoes or meat or fish. Using tinned beans means a tasty dish like this can be prepared in minutes. Beans are very good for you; they are high in fibre, vitamins and minerals. The addition of the pesto dressing means the beans absorb all those lovely flavours whilst giving you an added benefit of healthy fats from the omega-rich pumpkin seeds, flaxseed oil and peppery watercress.

The pesto dressing can be prepared ahead of time and stored in the fridge for 2–3 days. It is easily used in other ways such as drizzling it over fresh salad, steamed or roasted vegetables or even as a marinade. Note: If you are a vegan, replace the parmesan cheese with nutritional yeast flakes.

Mixed Bean Salad with Pumpkin Seed Pesto Dressing 

225g fresh green beans, sliced in half or asparagus, sliced
400g tin cannellini beans, drained and rinsed 
400g tin borlotti beans, drained and rinsed 
400g tin chickpeas, drained and rinsed 
1 fresh red/orange pepper, diced 
1 fresh spring onion, finely chopped 
8 cherry tomatoes, halved 
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper 

Pesto dressing 
1 garlic clove, chopped 
Pinch of sea salt 
15g basil leaves 
15g watercress 
1 tbsp lemon juice 
30g pumpkin seeds 
2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil 
3–4 tbsp flaxseed/hemp oil or Sacha Inchi Oil (a balanced oil with omega-3–6–9) 
15g freshly grated parmesan cheese or 1 tbsp nutritional yeast flakes 

Bring pan of water to the boil and steam the green beans or asparagus for 2-3 minutes until al dente. Set aside and allow them to cool. 
Place all beans and chickpeas in a large bowl with the pepper, onion and tomatoes. Toss lightly. 
For the Pesto: place the garlic, sea salt, basil, watercress, lemon juice and pumpkin seeds in a food processor or blender and process until coarsely ground. Slowly add oils to create a thick dressing.  
Stir in the parmesan cheese or nutritional yeast flakes. 
Pour dressing over the beans and mix well. 
Season to taste.

If you have any questions about this recipe or would like to talk about ways to improve your nutrition, do get in touch with me on 07747 755659 or email debmmac@gmail.com 

Here’s to your good health!  

Much love always to our Wildheart Tribe xx


Neil Finemore