Spanish Adventure

Something from Neil

So we are back from our Spainish adventure where we went to the mountains for an experiential journey and then talking at our annual seminar, exhausted but with an open heart and filled with love. When you truly commit to change, the Universe always provides it. When a room of 800 strong, uphold that intention it becomes a powerful place, where many shifts and break throughs happen. Imagine what would happen if everyone committed to growth/change? Even if it's just in your family, or in your community, your town, or this planet.

It makes me think of the power of an adjustment, and the organisational power it can have. Every adjustment brings more order to the body. More order means less chaos, and then how that then effects his or her family unit, and how that in turn effect his or her community, his or her town, country, planet.

From my challenges in the mountains to being on stage in front of 800 people, or in any situation that presents itself, we can chose how to respond. That is ultimately my definition of responsibility. Our ability to respond. 

Faced with fear or challenge, do we cower and retreat, or do we stay in our heart space and come from a place of honour and truth. Imagine a world where we took 'responsibility' and reacted in truth and love to every situation in our life. How different would our world be, and how different would this planet be.

Travelling into the Spanish mountains with fifteen other like minded souls. The 27 km hike up and down 1800m in the pitch dark, with no food or sleep was a challenge but not one I will easily forget. This really helped me to discover what reserves I have when I truly needed them . Three days and nights wild camping in the wilderness reconnects you to mother earth and to the natural rhythms of life as an integral part of the ecosystem and not separate from it.
To have the honour to stand on stage in front of 800 of my brothers and sisters is a true honour and to inspire and to them a room that big feel the same emotion and to laugh together, that feeling of connection and coherence, is something I will never forget.

Much LOVE to you all, and thank you for all the blessings you have brought to my life.

Neil Finemore