
Who are we in our true nature, and is the world as it is disconnecting us from expressing our true nature. There seems to be an app for everything these days, but there is an innate guide with each of us, that can steer our actions and decisions.

Some of you may have notice I sometimes use the tag line 'Stay Wild'. This is about connecting to this innate guide, to express our true nature. To Rewild ourselves.

Rewilding is a progressive approach to conservation. It’s about letting nature take care of itself, enabling natural processes to shape land and sea, repair damaged ecosystems and restore degraded landscapes. Through rewilding, wildlife’s natural rhythms create wilder, more biodiverse habitats.

I would like to encourage people to not look outside of themselves for the answers to things, to be so connected to technology or what the media feels us. To listen to this inner voice. Nature knows best when it comes to survival and self-governance.

“The goal of rewilding is not to restore a painting that then needs curating, it is about restoring a system that can come to look after itself.”

Rewilding is not going backwards, to live in the woods – superficial stuff like that. It’s reconnecting to that wildness dormant inside you; the amazing, rich thing that’s there waiting to be engaged with.

Domestication goes under many guises, and is tied up with our own closely-clutched wounds and conditioning. Perhaps a process of unlearning must come first, a conscious retreat from consumer mentality and a step-by-step reconnection with the deep pool of unhindered energy that is our wild nature.

Chiropractic helps us to connect with our innate intelligence and innate voice that connects to the universe around us. Keep reconnecting, listening, and striving forward. 

There going to be exciting news coming up at Wild Heart in ways to make it easier to keep our nervous system in check, reminding us who we truly are.

Much love always to our Wildheart Tribe xx


Neil Finemore