Glastonbury 2019

Something from Neil

What an amazing 2 weeks, from spending time in Cornwall with 28 people from my Chiropractic family, attending a seminar at my brother house called Chiropractic from the heart, where we bravely did exercises to let go of old patterns that were not serving us and to make commitment to live a more conscious life, by working out our core values and committing to act based on these values.

It was a great way to begin my Glastonbury adventure!

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Now over 4 decades old, Glastonbury has bloomed.
It's a celebration of life, and the greatest party on Earth that I've been to so far with an abundance of Peace, Love, Happiness and Joy, magnificently designed to enhance the human experience in so many diverse and fabulous ways.

This year the majority of people who came to us in the healing fields had never seen a Chiropractor before, its a beautiful thing to witness someone of their journey for a brief moment, and to be a part of that by removing any interference to there experience and hopefully make a difference to their lives by communicating the importance of reconnecting them back to the healing intelligence within themselves via spinal adjusting. We also had many people returning year on year to get their Wild Hearted Adjustment, reconnecting with these lovely people in a such a special place always feels wonderful.

The power of music and the performing arts to bring people together in love, tears and laughter was extremely moving. It is always moving to see so many people in harmony singing, dancing, talking, eating and drinking together. Glastonbury is a 7 mile square site filled with people from all over the UK and the wider World. It feels like a cooperative medieval city with prominent themes such as revelry, sustainability, charity, community, healing the earth and each other. As the late Jo Cox said on immigration: "We are far more united and have far more in common with each other than things that divide us.”

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Much love to you all, and let support each other to a brighter future.

Something from Joe

Welcoming change! Hello WildHeart tribe!

Thank you for welcoming me so warmly back to Exeter (I’ve missed the accent!), it truly has been such a pleasure! And to those of you who I am yet to meet, I look forward to it! It has been quite a crazy and emotional journey for me recently.

Change can be scary, and many of us find it stressful, I certainly can! Over the past few weeks, I have learned that when we embrace, accept, and welcome change, we create the opportunity to grow and overcome challenges so that we can thrive, become empowered, and become able to express ourselves at our full life potential!

My partner, Chiropractic Assistant Jess, and I are excited to continue to serve you and the rest of the WildHeart community with love, positive intention, and an open heart. As I’m sure you’re all aware, the practice is now open Monday – Friday making it even easier for everyone to keep aligned, clear and connected. See you soon!

Neil Finemore